08 Feb 2023
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Network as a Service (NaaS) Is Key to Managing Your Remote, Hybrid, & In-Office Staff

Network as a Service (NaaS) is a managed service that enables organizations to outsource the management and maintenance of their networks. NaaS aims to make network lifecycle management easier while giving IT ongoing access to cutting-edge technology. What exactly is NaaS, how does it compare to and differ from a lease, and what sorts of networking problems can it handle? NaaS is a versatile approach to using enterprise network infrastructure that enables firms to respond to new technological advancements, improve network performance, and meet rapidly shifting client expectations.

Remote, Hybrid, & In-Office Network Security Challenges

A quick and significant change in how employees connect to their secure work resources was brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people choose to use their own devices when working from home out of convenience rather than using authorized company equipment. This shift to personal devices had an immediate impact on corporate security, as organizations had to quickly implement secure technologies for remote access. This sudden change in technology has led organizations to put more stringent measures in place when it comes to granting access and ensuring the security of their networks.

CISOs and CIOs are now working together to determine how to deal with employees bringing their own devices to work as hybrid, remote, and in-person office settings start to become the norm. This hybrid setting introduces several challenges that need to be addressed, such as how to best manage the lifecycle of personal devices, and how to ensure that these devices are compliant with corporate security policies.

Organizations that are ready to benefit from the cloud are sometimes constrained by overly complicated legacy networks. On-premises corporate systems have the terrible side effects of overworking IT workers and costly downtime, which cause delays and interruptions in regular operations. To combat this issue, organizations are now turning to cloud-based solutions that are designed to ensure secure access to the corporate network and its data.

There will always be unforeseen issues, whether you’re working with hybrid or remote personnel. When evaluating network connections and risks, decision makers must take each employee’s specific demands into account. In a remote or hybrid setting, attending to connection problems and making modifications based on results all take more focus and time. This is where “Network as a Service” can come in.

Managed Network as a Service

At ThinkTel, our goal is to help our customers simplify technology management as they work with our in-house experts to reach their unified communication goals. Managing your own infrastructure requires timely upgrades, bug fixes, and security patches. IT staff may have to travel to different offices or network centres to make these changes. NaaS enables the continuous delivery of fixes, features, and capabilities. It automates multiple processes, such as onboarding new users, and provides orchestration and optimization for maximum performance, which can help eliminate the time and money otherwise spent on these processes. Enterprises rely on vendors to provide full-lifecycle management and to even become proactive.

Working with a trusted NaaS provider will expand your team with qualified and experienced personnel who have helped other organizations succeed. The right business services partner will be at your side throughout the project, from the planning phase all the way through to deployment. As such, enterprise organizations should take advantage of Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) solutions to ease their workloads.

Spending time on internal networking can be a distraction from your organization’s top goals unless your company is currently in the networking industry. There are several benefits to implementing NaaS, including cost savings, higher uptime, performance optimization, and more. NaaS solutions are designed to reduce the burden of daily networking operations for enterprise organizations, allowing them to spend more time on the tasks that matter most. The cost savings of a NaaS solution are clear, since it eliminates the need for organizations to hire and maintain additional networking personnel, as well as the hardware and software associated with networking.

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