Monthly rate based on a subscription to 5 or more Hosted PBX softphone-only user packages on a 3 year term. A one-time activation fee of $50 per user license applies. Packages are available for less than 5 users and/or other phone options at different rates, please call for details.
The Hosted PBX 9-1-1 service has certain limitations relative to 9-1-1 services available on most traditional telephone services. Please see for details.
Bundled outbound long distance package limited to Canada and the contiguous United States, excluding calls to US Premium Routes and the 867 Area Code. Limited to calls placed directly by HPBX Users and does not include long distance calls made by HPBX Auto Attendant or other services. Additional conditions apply.
Offer is for a limited time. Offer available to new Hosted PBX customers in Canada in serviceable areas only and cannot be combined with any other volume or negotiated discount, promotional offer or bundle discount. Services subject to the product’s Terms and Conditions of Service, any associated service schedules and/or Acceptable Use Policy. Offers may be modified or revoked at any time. Taxes Extra. Terms and conditions apply; call for details.